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How Does Inflation Affect Public Liability Insurance?

Public liability insurance protects businesses from insurance claims due to allegations of accidental property damage or injury to third parties arising out of business activities .

Maintaining enough coverage is important for financial protection against unexpected claims. However, how does inflation affect public liability insurance?

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Understanding inflation and its general effects

Inflation refers to the decrease in the purchasing power of money over time. This affects consumer spending, business investment and even employment rates.

In the insurance sector, inflation influences claim costs, premiums and policy coverage. Rising prices affect the value of insured assets and the cost of settling claims. This is why understanding the broader impact of inflation is important to grasp its specific effects on your public liability insurance.

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Impact of inflation on public liability insurance

As inflation causes prices to rise over time, the amount of public liability insurance coverage you buy might not be enough to cover future costs or claims. This means your policy's value goes down as prices go up.

Inflation also makes running an insurance company more expensive. As a result, insurance companies may need to charge more for premiums. Inflation may cause your insurance to cost more, and the coverage you get might not be as good as it used to be.

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Adjusting coverage in inflationary times

To properly manage public liability insurance and inflation, it's important to take proactive steps. Here are two key strategies to ensure your coverage remains helpful to you.

Regular review of coverage limits  

Check and update your coverage limits to keep up with rising costs and ensure the best protection possible. Staying proactive and adjusting your coverage limits as needed is always wise. This way you can ensure that your insurance reflects the current economic landscape and provides sufficient coverage for any potential claims.

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Tips for managing insurance costs during inflation

Here are some tips to help navigate the challenges of inflation and ensure the best insurance coverage.

Regular rate comparison 

Ensure you regularly compare insurance rates, especially during high inflation. Shopping around can help find competitive prices, better terms, and identify potential savings opportunities. Make sure you get the most value for your public liability insurance coverage amidst changing economic conditions.

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Ready to get covered?

Understanding how inflation affects public liability insurance can help you to keep your business protected. By proactively managing your insurance and staying informed about inflation trends, your business can adjust coverage limits and seek competitive rates.

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Public liability insurance from Towergate

Get your business covered today with our public liability insurance policies. Get a quote from us, either online or by phoning us on 0330 818 9929.

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About the author

Alison Wild BCom (Hons), FMAAT, MATT, Taxation Technician is a highly respected industry professional who has been working with and advising SMEs in areas including tax, pensions, insurance and marketing for over 25 years. She is a Fellow member of the Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT), member of the Association of Tax Technicians (ATT) and also has over 20 years' experience as a residential landlord.

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