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10 Tips for Taking Care of Your Mental Health

Looking after our mental health is just as important as our physical health. There are many things you can do to take care of your mental health - read our 10 tips here:

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Get enough sleep

Sleep helps us to regulate the chemicals in our brain that transmit information, and it’s these chemicals that manage our moods and emotions. It’s when we don’t get enough sleep that we can start to feel depressed or anxious – that’s why sleep is really important for our physical and mental health.

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Eat well

Eating is important for our minds as well as our bodies. Being deficient in minerals such as iron and B12 can give us a low mood. Eating a balanced diet is key to ensuring you’re getting the right nutrients – try to make your food as colourful as possible (it makes your food more Instagram-able too!). Put down that seventh hobnob and pick up an apple instead.

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Get plenty of sunlight

Sunlight is a great source of vitamin D, which is really important for our bodies and brains. It helps our brains to release endorphins and improve our mood. Try to get out into the sun every day, even if it’s just for a walk in your lunch break – be sure to keep your eyes and skin safe though. Sun? In the UK? You may be asking…you can buy special light-therapy lamps to help, especially during the winter months.

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Manage stress

While stress is often unavoidable, knowing the triggers and how to cope is key to maintaining good mental health. Avoid burying your head in the sand and tackle problems face on. You can manage your responsibilities and worries by making a list along with when you can face each issue.

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Exercise is essential in maintaining good mental health. Not only does being active give you a sense of achievement, but it also boosts chemicals in your brain to improve your mood. Exercising helps to eliminate low mood, anxiety, stress and feeling tired and lazy. We’re not suggesting you run a marathon, simply go for a walk, play football or join a Pilates class.

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Do something you enjoy

It’s important to take time out for you. If you like painting, get up on Saturday morning and start painting without scrolling through your phone. Love baths? Set aside an evening to run a bath with bubbles, candles and a book. Spend the next Sunday binging that Netflix series you’ve wanted to watch for months. If we don’t spend time doing things we enjoy, it’s easy to become irritable and unhappy.

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Go easy on yourself

We’re all our own worst critics. Stop and consider your internal dialogue. Are you being too hard on yourself? Being kinder to yourself can change your whole mindset.

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Connect with others

Talk to people whenever you get a chance to maintain good relationships. Friends aren’t just good for your self-esteem, but also providing that much needed support when you’re feeling low. Reach out to other people experiencing the same things as you over social media and look up new social activities to get involved in.

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Do things for others

One of those people that prefers giving presents to receiving them? You’ll understand how helping others isn’t just good for them, but it’s good for you too. It can help with your self-esteem and make you feel like someone needs you.

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Ask for help

An important way to keep your mind healthy is to recognise when you’re not feeling good and when it’s time to ask for help – there’s no shame in needing some support, we all go through it. You can start with talking to your friends and family, but if you think your mental health is getting on top of you then speak to your GP.

Don’t forget that if you’re a client of The Education Broker, you have access to our Wellbeing service that provides you with online guides and telephone counselling – call us on 0800 783 3500 if you’ve forgotten the login details to your online portal.